When you get into DB level issues with your .NET framework application that is using Entity framework, you need to start to examine what is happening under the covers using tools like SQL profiler and/or Entity framework profiler . These can help you track issues and work out strategies to minimise or eliminate nasties like deadlocks. One tool that worked well for me is the entity framework profiler. To utilise this, you need to initialise this with your application code then run the diagnostic tool to be able to capture the requests going into SQL. I did have to do a bit of fiddling around as I could not get it to work out of the box with my current setup of an OWIN hosted project. I noticed the entity framework was being instantiated before the profiler and as a result threw the following exception at startup The Entity Framework was already using a DbConfiguration instance before an attempt was made to add an 'Loaded' event handler. 'Loaded' event handlers can only b...
Volunteering at grass roots levels gives you a great satisfaction in that you know your small efforts has reached and helped someone in need. Whether it be, standing behind a counter selling some quick bites or just spending a few minutes with someone in need of company, there are so many life long traits and attributes that you pick up that you may not even realise. The skills you pick up not only help your causes, but they also go a long way in your professional journey. Here are 3 of the most important benefits I have come to realise about getting into grass roots charities and doing good for the people early on. 1. Social skills Without doubt, it is one of the first skills you pick up in volunteering that goes a long way. Talking and engaging with people makes it so much easier to be able to progress in your career. It opens up new opportunities and gets you prepared for various situations. More likely than not, as a volunteer, you get the opportuni...